Understanding and Self-realization are not the same. However, there is an indelible link between the two. Intellectual understanding opens wide the consciousness of a new and wondrous perspective, and sets the stage for direct apperception, for clarity of awareness, for re-cognition of eternal Truth.
Understanding is, at least in my experience, a result of a long term obsession with Absolute Reality and the search for Truth. I consider this effortlessly perpetuated obsession to be a gift.
On the superficial level, understanding provides legitimacy because it is consistent with the conclusions of great thinkers, some of whom were fully enlightened men. There is great comfort in this.
On a deeper level, understanding is a by-product of recollection. Recollection is remembering, in this case gathering together scattered thoughts about Absolute Reality, God or whatever you want to call it. It is similar to meditations like simran or japam and in like manner has the effect of purifying the mind by nullifying useless thoughts and attachments that stand in the way of conscious union with Absolute Reality. Recollection is essential for spiritual progress according to Shankara and enhances the ability to discriminate between the Absolute and the relative.
Recollection is an authentic method of purification meaning it results in actual spiritual progress. Shankara says in the Crest Jewel of Discrimination, “Thinking about the highest Truth taught in Vedanta leads to the highest Illumination.”
Truth is of two kinds: (1) that which is known through the five ordinary senses and by reasoning based thereon; (2) that which is known through the subtle, supersensuous power of yoga.
Knowledge acquired by the first means is called science; and knowledge acquired by the second is called the Vedas.
Wisdom is of Brahman alone.
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