[ With darkness enveloped all round and due to the short-sightedness of the eye and also due to its being visible at a long distance, the mother-of-pearl appears as silver. Similarly, Brahman which is the Absolute and Blemishless Existence, Consciousness and Bliss being enveloped by ignorance, manifests itself as the creations in the world. If one were to realize the true nature, the vision of the worldly quality will get destroyed leading to freedom from samsara and Brahman alone will remain in all its effulgence. For this declaration the Vedas are the authority. ]
The real word shankara means : SHAM- mangala, KARA – Karoti iti ( does )
The life history in a short form says-
Means at the age of 8 mastered all the 4 Vedas , at the age
of 12 learnt all the shaastras ( mimaamsa, chandas, vyakarana,
jyothishya, etc) , at the age of 16 wrote Bhashyaas for
Prasthaana thraya ( Brahma Sutras, 10 upanishads,
Srimadbhagavadgeetha ) , and athe the age of 32 dissapeared as Muni.
This Great Shankara was brought to light by Great Saint
Sri Satchidaanandendra Saraswathi Swamiji ( SS Swamiji of Holearasipur) after 1200 years of Shankaras departure. SS Swamiji says the day u read ,analyse & understand Shankara Bhaashya is Shankara Jayanthi day and not just by praising, doing archana to photo , distributing prasaadams etc. Swamijis view is `it is the sayings of Jnaanis that is important for saadhakaas than their life history , as it is difficult to copy & do at present day'. So go back to pure Shankara Bhaashya which is in living form of Shankara . Now let us go thro' shankaraas sayings & works.-
1. Who wrote simple , precious, pleasant nector Prasthaana
thraya Bhaashya.
2. Who said Vedaata vichaara is for all human beings.
3. Who woke us telling Vedaanta is nothing but Science of
4. who pointed Advaita is not an ISM but quint essence of Shruti.
5. Who reminded that there is no scope for belief, only based
on Anubhava Pramaana.
6. It is only due to ignorance (Jnaanaabhava, Samshayajnaana, vipareetajnaana) sarrows appear.
7. To come out of all Ajnaana Vedaanta is the only remedy.
8. Who mentioned that there is no equivalent to Brahmavidya in
all the 3 lokaas.
9. Real sanyaasi is one whose mind is always eager to know
meanings of Vedaanta.
10. Moksha means establishing in ones own self.
11. It is only from Aatmajnaana one can attain supreme bliss, no
other path.
12. After knowing self one will not become Brahman as he is
verily Brahman itself.
13. Dual concept of Jeevaatma & Paramaatma is against universal
14. Neither good or bad qualities imposed on Atman cannot change
Atman who is niravayava.
15. Who disqualified anekaatmavaada by Pada(Vyaakarana) ,Vaakya(
Mimaamsa), Pramaana(Nyaaya Darshana).
16. Who argued that all Upanishads aim is to establish Aatma Ekatva.
17. Who emphasized that Jeevan mukti is every ones birth right.
18. Who pointed that all saadhanaas are steps to liberation if
performed selflessly.
19. Who showed similarity in Sadyomukti & Samyagdarshana.
20. Samyagdarshi is infinite as he is Krutakritya, realized
neither he has birth or death.
21. Who said not to teach Brahmavidya , who is not a real seeker of truth.
22. Who stressed that there is not strain in Royal path of
23. Who knows well Vedaanta Sampradaaya & blesses real seekers
of any nationality also to know Sampradaaya ( Adhyaaropa apavaada)
24. Who pointed the essence & necessity to understand self by
Adhyaaropa apavaada prakriya alone.
25. Cleansed mind & Mumukshutva is enough to understand the
teachings of Vedaanta.
26. It is only from karmayoga mind gets purified but not only by
ambitious karma.
27. To understand the quint essence of Vedaanta all human beings
are eligible.
28. The one who is well aquainted in `Saaadhana Chatustaya `(nityaanitya vastu viveka , ihaamutraartha phala bhoga viraagaha, shamaadi saadhana sampat, & mumukshutva)
can easily understand Brahma jignaasa.
29. All saadhanaas mentioned in Vedaanta are simple, easy &
universal- Satyam vada ,Dharmamchara etc.
30. Brahmavidya is not a miracle nor Pavaada ,it is rational.
31. Without the guidelines of Sadguru one cannot understand the
stand of vedaanta.
32. Unattachment with this body mentally is the effect of Brahmavidya.
33. Who woke us telling all sorrows are in just waking & dream
state which is avidyaakalpita.
34. The mind which is not independent of Aatman is Avichaarita sidhdha.
35. Who directed to remain Aatmanishta by realizing the real nature of Aatman.
36. Respectfully hear the teachings of Shruti which is greater
than thousands of parents.
37. Who reigned as a scientist, doctor of bhavaroga, analyzer, teacher, discriminator , viveki & great Aachaarya
thro' Prasthaanatraya Bhaashyaas.
38. A boy who has astonished ,conquered the minds of great
darshanakaaras,saints, pundits, .
39. Who said don't assume & do what not told in Shruti's & not
doing as told in Shrutis.
40. Mans aim is not only to gain Punya but it should be to
attain Mukti when alive.
41. No one is sinful , all are Satchidaananda swaroopa alone
whether one knows or not.
42. Vedaanta is the only Antyapramaana – ANUBHAVAPARYANTAM JNAANAM.
43. Who simplified & told Vedaanta is ANUBHAVAAVASAANATVAAT
44. Who opened the inner vision that everything is projecting &
converging within me alone.
45. Who makes evry Mumukshu Shankara itself by ever
fresh,universal,truthful & vast Bhaashya vaakyaas which is the
treasure of the world.
46. Who gave the great vision Vyaavahaarika drishti &
Paaramaarthika drishti in Advaita.
sakala sanmangalaani bhavantu
Chitradurga Sanjeeva Murthy
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