Ramesam Vemuri: The first and foremost thing is the knowing of information “I am Brahman.” This has to be understood by the mind intellectually. It is the Shravana (Listening) phase. Next is to assimilate it and internalize it to the extent that no doubt remains in one’s mind about the Truth of that statement. This is the Manana (Reflection) phase. After being firmly convinced and free of doubts, one needs to continuously stay with it as Brahman (not become Brahman but be Brahman). This is the Nidhidhyasa (Contemplation and Meditation) phase. Jivanmukta is one who unwaveringly and unbrokenly abides as Brahman.
But first:
viveka: 'discrimination' between the real and unreal
vairAgya: 'dispassion' towards everything worldly, brought about by viveka that they are unreal.
shatsampatti: 6 'disciplines'/ virtues:
shama: serene tranquility of the mind brought about by vairAgya from desire of worldly things.
dama: control of the senses to continue shama
uparati: being satisfied with what you have, without hankering for more, natural for one who has viveka driven vairAgya, having shama & dama.
titikshA: endurance of pair of opposites such as pleasure and pain, heat and cold, so as to continue virtues gained above.
shraddhA: unshakable faith in the scriptural teaching and Guru, guided by pramANas, which makes understanding easier due to above pure achievements.
samAdhAna: ability to concentrate on brahman (the truth) as a result of shraddhA and conviction gained thereby.
mumukshutvam: burning 'desire' for liberation, wanting nothing else but moksha, since one has samAdhAna now.
Finally, the very fact that vedanta makes sense to us is a big factor. After all, it is said, 'IsvarAnugrahAdeva pumsAm advaita vAsanA' (it is only due to God's grace man gets interested in advaita).
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