Sunday, January 9, 2011


From 'Doorway to Heaven'
If you had two doorways, a doorway to heaven and a doorway to a lecture about heaven, you would find the vast majority of people lined up before the doorway to the lecture about heaven.  Often we aren't as interested in experiencing the divine as we are in being able to 'know' about it, talk about it, and impress people with our astounding depth of information about it.   And what if you could actually open the doors and look in?  In the doorway to the lecture about heaven, you would find a room full of beautiful people, drinking organic tea, talking about Gods & Goddesses, doing energy work, singing songs, meditating together, discussing the pros and cons of various paths and spiritual techniques - generally having a great time.  On the other hand, if you opened the door to heaven, standing outside and peering in, you would see nothing. It would appear empty, dark, and unattractive - because through that door there is nothing for the mind to know, nothing for the body to experience, no concepts or beliefs to grasp, and certainly nothing that would 'attract' our mind, unless annihilation was attractive. For to enter into the absolute is to be totally beyond the mind and ego.

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